16 November 2007


hot punch

hot punch
Originally uploaded by KarenSaraGaches
It's very easy to make. Simmer the apples with a little sugar and cinnamon and hey presto. You can add tequila to taste, and any other fruit for that matter. A little lemon gives it a little kick; a little orange is pleasant; in Mexico you would add some tamarind.

OK, the temperature has risen and it's only just below freezing at the moment, so we didn't really need warming up but we had apples that were a little old so I thought it would be good. Then I had my evening class cancelled today so was able to make it for Rafa. Being that we are in Russia we had a little vodka in it and it was most pleasant. I actually learnt how to make this the first time I was "here" though "here" wasn't really "here" as it was the Soviet Union and I was in Latvia but that's another story.

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